What Does An Auto Body Technician do?

Auto body repairer is a professional who refinishes, restores, and replaces the bodies of the vehicle along with their frames. Autobody technicians use traditional hand tools and a variety of specialty body repair tools like blocks, spot welders, spray guns, and hammers to repair the bodies of trucks, cars, and other motor vehicles. Such a technician provides quality services of automotive body repair as per the requirements.

For structural damage, an auto body repairer inspects car frames. Such experts assess reparability on broken parts like doors, windshields, body, or the tires of the car. The main jo an auto body technician is to inspect as well as determine the repair work that is needed. They develop suitable methods for each job to apply a broad knowledge of repair techniques and automotive construction.


Autobody technicians generally work indoors in garages or auto shops. Their work can be physically demanding. They are experts who know how to remove a damaged body part effectively and, repair structural damages. They also know how to realign car frames. Generally, such technicians do the entire job by themselves. However, in large shops or stores/garages, an assembly line approach is used by them in which they work with each specialized repair technician, as a team.

Use many tools for their job:-

To provide quality services, effective results, and perform their job, an autobody technician uses many tools. For removing damaged parts, like door panels, and bumpers pneumatic tools are used by them along with plasma cutters, and metal-cutting guns. The job of such a technician also includes patching the dimples, dents, or minor body damage. Sometimes hammers and heavy-duty hydraulic jacks are also used by them for major structural repairing.

Straighten bent frames:-

Autobody technicians generally work for independent garages, car dealerships, specialty repair shops and are also self-employed. They straighten the bent frames with the use of underbody and frame pulling and also anchoring equipment. They also have good knowledge and experience in repairing and replacing glass components like sunroofs, windows, and windshields.

Refinish and repair vehicles:-

Such technicians refinish and repair vehicles to new conditions, and also sometimes order materials for the paint department, as per the vehicle requirement. They are experts in performing fiberglass and metal repairs, and also prepare semi tricks for paint frames, and paint.

Thorough vehicle examine:-

The main job of an autobody technician is to examine the vehicle damages thoroughly. They also remove the trim of the vehicle for gaining access to its body. They not only perform the duties assigned by management but also make cosmetic repairs and fill depressions properly with body filler to ensure a quality repair.

A career in autobody repair covers several areas, like refinishing, paint and framework, and bodywork even though the paint is measured as a separate trade. Good knowledge of this profession helps a technician in providing quality services to each client. You can easily trust the experts of auto repair in North Hollywood, for quality services and repairing your vehicle as per the requirement at inexpensive rates and in less time.



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